- Create a new document.
Double click on the background layer to open the Layer Styles.
Select the Gradient Overlay and use black and a dark blue for the colors. Select Radial for the Gradient Style.
- Crate new layer and fill it with black.
- First select black for the foreground color and medium gray for the background color.
Select Filters > Render(演算上色) > Fibers. Set 36 for the Variance and 1 for the strength.
- Select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.
Set the distance to 999 , maxium value.
Set the angle use 90.
- Double click on the Blurry layer in order to open the Layer Style.
Select Gradient Overlay and Overlay for the Blend Mode .
For the colors use the rainbow colors. - Use Lasso Tool(L), set the feather option 30px and create random selection like i did.
After that select Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal selection.
- Conclusion